Beyond the Screen

12.00-12.50: Ludwig Jäger (Aachen, Germany)

Abstract: In cultural studies and their diverse disciplines it is a familiar phenomenon that media refer to each other and that they intramedially allude to themselves in recursive loops. Cultural semantics are generated, conserved, disrupted and modified in a field in which communication unfolds as a symbolic game of interacting and interwoven media, as an assembly of different methods of “cultural reconceptualization” (Lev Manovich). Behind these diversities of communicative processes in oral, written, and visual media—no matter how varied they are regarding their medial and aesthetic aspects—we can identify a fundamental approach of cultural semantics that we can describe as logic of transcriptive reference. My lecture, going beyond the idea that transcription is a fundamental procedure of cultural semantics, will reveal some of the principles that underlie the practices of cultural reconceptualizations attempting to show that and how they are characterized by an epistemology of disruptions.
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